What’s up Austin! I’m super passionate and committed to helping all of ATX feel good. In fact, I’m so passionate about it. I created a... But this wasn’t a typical orphanage. It was a special needs adult orphanage. When I was in residency in school, I went on my first chiropractic...
New Chiropractor in Austin Puts ‘Health’ and ‘Care’ Back Into Healthcare 7-Minute read THE specific BLOG Dr. Alex Mosley Owner and Clinic Director New to Austin, but not new to the word “y’all”, this Texan is moving back home and bringing a whole new type of...
Grey’s anatomy is life, but not real life 8-Minute read THE specific BLOG Dr. Alex Mosley Owner and Clinic Director Confession time: I’m a Grey’s Anatomy addict. But I didn’t start watching the show until only a few months ago. (Thank you, Netflix.) When I was...
Realistic Sleep solutions for realistic people 9-Minute read THE specific BLOG Dr. Alex Mosley Owner and Clinic Director I like to think of myself as a realistic doctor. Like, a doctor that lives in real life, and therefore, provides real-life solutions. Recently, I...
3 Tips to Get Meditation to Actually Work 7-Minute read THE specific BLOG Dr. Alex Mosley Owner and Clinic Director Mindfulness? More like MindFULLness. You know what is one of the most frustrating things I could ever be asked? To meditate. So you can imagine how I...